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Parent Teacher Organization

The Los Ranchos Parent Teacher Organization works to develop a closer relationship between the home and school. Our PTO sponsors a number of activities throughout the year to establish a greater involvement between the school and the Los Ranchos community. Parent involvement and commitment are vital to your child’s educational program. We look forward to a close working relationship.

PTO meetings will be held in the Library. Please join us for our PTO meetings, we want to hear your ideas. You can find meeting information on our School Google Calendar for dates.

Los Ranchos Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Mandatory Bylaws

Name of Organization:

The name of the organization shall be the Los Ranchos Elementary Parent Teacher Organization also known as Los Ranchos PTO of Los Ranchos, New Mexico.

Purpose of Organization:

  • To promote the education of children and youth in the home, school, and in the community.
  • To support the appropriate legislation to insure adequate laws for the care and the protection of children.
  • To develop closer communication between the home and the school so that families and staff may work together effectively to promote the education of the child.
  • To develop united efforts between educators and the community to assure every child has the greatest opportunities available in physical, academic, and social education.

How the Purpose is to be Achieved:

This organization will abide by all school board, administrative policies, and procedures.

To carry out the organization’s purpose, the PTO is to supervise the raising and spending of funds, if available, for the following but not-all-inclusive categories:

  • Field Trips
  • Classroom funds are to be spent to benefit the students of the classroom at the suggestions of the teacher. These funds are allocated based on the need of the classroom at the end of the 40 th day count.
  • Teacher funds that are allocated at a set amount per certified staff member and shall be spent at the teachers request to benefit the students.
  • Historical funds for the documentation of school events
  • General funds to be spent at the request of the PTO for general school needs that benefit the students.
  • All monies must first be encumbered by the PTO and checks must be signed by two of the PTO’s Board Members. Proper receipts must document all disbursements.
  • Petition PTO for funding to support the school in times of financial need.
  • APS employee(s) cannot handle money for the organization.

The fiscal year will run from July 1 to June 30.

Parents, staff and the community will meet monthly and work together as a unit to help determine and provide every child with the greatest opportunities available for their education.


Any parent, guardian, or other adult standing in loco parentis for a student at the school may be a member and shall have voting rights. Any teacher employed at the school may be a member and have voting rights.

Duration of Membership. The organization shall conduct an annual enrollment of members but person may be admitted to membership at any time. Membership will be in force for one year from the October meeting date to the next October meeting date.

Any Los Ranchos community member may be a member of the organization but may not hold any office.


All Officers need pass the APS background check.


  • Presides over all Board meetings or General meetings.
  • Represents the organization
  • Appoints committees and task forces.
  • Supervises the work of the officers, committees and task forces.
  • Ensures the smooth transition of financial matters to the new officers.
  • Has signature authority at the bank.

Vice President:

  • Aides the President and takes the Presidents place when that officer is unable to perform the duties of that position.
  • Is responsible for fundraising connected to the PTO.
  • Submit Fundraising Form and the Use of Building Form to the principal of the school or a representative appointed by same.
  • Submit oral reports, when needed, at regular organizational meetings.
  • Has signature authority at the bank.


  • Records minutes of the meetings, has copies available at the meetings, and provides the office with a copy to file.
  • Notifies members of scheduled meetings through notices in the school newsletter.
  • Submit a copy of the minutes to the President not more than 10 days following a meeting. In addition, a copy shall be submitted to each member of the Board of Directors, and those general members requesting such, at the next meeting.
  • Files copies of committee reports.
  • Handles all correspondence.
  • Post minutes on PTO bulletin board.
  • Has signature authorization at the bank.
  • Can update the marquee to add upcoming PTO events if needed.


  • Handles all organization finances.
  • Keeps a record of income and expenses: receipts, invoice, bank statements, checks, deposit slips, and purchase orders.
  • Secures bonding responsibility of check signees. All checks must be signed by two PTO Board Members.
  • Present a financial statement at every meeting of the organization and at other times when requested by the PTO Officers. These reports will contain detailed financial records of committee activities (as it is written).
  • Submit all records to a Certified Public Accountant, within 30 days of the close of the Organization’s fiscal year as defined in the AUP (Agreed-Upon Procedures) for preparation of the tax return.
  • Provides end of the year Financial report.
  • Has signature authorization at the bank.
  • Closes the books at the end of the PTO fiscal Year (June 30 th )
  • Files Form 990 by October 15 th .
  • Is responsible for non-taxable transaction certificates, both issuance and reporting by July 25 th .
  • Is available to attend a school staff meeting to discuss reimbursement procedures or arranges for a designee.
  • The year’s records need to be filed in the PTO room.
  • When closing out the end of the year balance, the Board needs to vote to not exceed the balance for next year’s budget and make sure to commit to the yearly NDI obligation, plus an additional $1,000.00.

Staff Representative (2): Teachers and EA’s:

  • Attend PTO meetings and give reports to school staff during staff meetings in a non-biased objective way.
  • Serve as liaisons between staff and the organization.

Committee Chair Persons Shall:

  • Attend monthly meetings.
  • Present a plan of work to the Officers for any committee that raises and/or expends funds for the organization. No committee work in the name of the organization may be undertaken without the consent of the Officers.
  • Work with the Vice President to Submit Fundraising Form and Building Form to the principal of the school or a representative appointed by same.
  • Deposit with the Treasurer all monies collected in the name of the organization, preferably at the end of the project but no later than five days following the closing of any fundraising project or event. Upon deposit the chairperson should request a receipt.
  • Present to the Officers a final written report at the monthly meeting following the completion of a project or event. Projects and committees extending in excess of one month shall submit monthly financial and progress reports.

Nominating Committee:

The Nominating Committee consisting of three members of the organization will be elected by the organization at the March meeting. In the event of lack of response, the President of the organization will select the three members, with approval of the Officers. The nominating committee will remain in effect from February to February of the following year.

Committee Chairperson:

Coordinates functions of all standing committees, social media, Rambler, Bulletin Board, and marquee.

Eligibility Requirements for holding an Office

Any parent or guardian of a child currently attending Los Ranchos Elementary School is eligible to hold an office, except APS employee(s). However, any staff member or member can hold the office of secretary.

Task Forces and Committees:

  • The committees and the task force will perform various duties for the organization and will report back to the Officers.
  • A Committee Chairperson will be assigned to coordinate the functions of the following committees: safe snacks, play day, fall carnival, and any others that the organization vote on.
  • Task forces are selected at any time to deal with specific matters throughout the year.


Made with the following considerations:

  • Financial climate of the school and community is served.
  • Students are not directly in harm’s way.
  • Define the purpose for the fundraiser.

Election of Officers:

  • Officers shall be elected by secret ballot in the month of May, by those members in good standing who attend the regular meeting. However, if there is but one nominee for any office, it shall be in order to move that the Secretary cast the elective ballot of the organization for the nominee. Members are eligible for office if they are members in good standing at least 14 calendar days before the nominating committee presents its slate.
  • The nominating committee along with the Secretary shall upon completion of the voting, count the ballots.
  • The Secretary will notify the new officers of their election to the office after the final tally has been made.
  • Officers shall be sworn in during the regular meeting in June. Officers will assume their official duties by the close of the current school year, of July 1 st , whichever comes first, except for the new treasurer who will act as co-treasurer until July 31 st .

Vacancies and Removal from Office:

  • An officer of the organization cannot serve more than two consecutive years in the same position, unless a qualified replacement cannot be found. Officers must be re-elected to be serve any subsequent terms.
  • Resignations are effective upon receipt by the Secretary of the of the Board of a written notification.
  • A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person nominated by the nominated by the nominating committee and elected by a majority vote of the membership; one week notice of such election having been given.
  • However, if under extreme circumstances arises, the PTO officer can designate a stand in by vote.

Voting Procedures:

  • General Meetings: any parent, guardian, staff or community member attending a General meeting may vote.
  • Board Meetings: Only board members may vote. Each officer in a shared position is eligible to vote. A vote cannot be taken unless a quorum is present. A quorum consists of two-thirds of the elected Officers.
  • Emergency Meetings: In the event that a closed or emergency meeting is necessary, the President may call one at a location of his/her choice. Only Officers may attend.
  • Vote Turnovers: Voting President, Vice President, Secretary, and Teacher or Principal
    • Less than 3 members goes to popular vote based on parents
    • 2 Officers, two teachers, the Principal or Vice Principal must be present

Rules Governing Meetings:

Standard parliamentary procedure will be followed for the business meetings. A member must make a motion and the motions must be seconded before any motion maybe discussed and voted on before the group can take on another item of business. If members want to postpone action on a motion, they must vote to table the motion before moving on to another item of business.

If the PTO is disbanded/dissolved all remaining funds will be disbursed to the Los Ranchos Elementary School general fund.

PTO Board Members 2024-2025

President : Elaine C. Salazar

Elections will be held in September. 


School Contact

Elaine Castanon Salazar

Employee Title

Educ Asst: Other, Educational Assistant

Employee Contact Information

School Email
School Phone