Supply Lists
- All students will need tennis shoes or sport shoes for P.E.
- Students in Special Education will be given a list at the start of the year
- We highly recommend every student bring a water bottle
- If you have any trouble buying school supplies please let the office know and we can help make sure your child is ready for the school year.
- 1 Pair of headphones (not earbuds, to last all year)
- 1 Backpack without wheels and big enough to hold a folder/agenda
- 3 Large boxes of facial tissue
- 1 Box quart size Zip-Lock bags
- 1 Box of gallon size Zip-Lock bags
- 1 4-6 pack of thin Expo black Dry erase markers
- 1 Red folders
- 1 24ct. box Crayola Colors of the World Skin Tone Crayons.
- 1 Light blanket or towel for rest time
- 1 Supply box
- 6 Rolls of paper towels
First Grade
- 1 Pair of headphones (not earbuds, to last all year)
- 1 Small school supply box
- 2 Red plastic folders
- 1 Box of sandwich size Zip-Lock bags
- 1 Box of gallon size Zip-Lock bags
- 4 Boxes of facial tissue
- 4 Rolls of paper towels
- 1 Bottle of hand soap
- 1 24ct. box Crayola Colors of the World Skin Tone Crayons (Please only purchase Crayola Brand)
- 8 Dry black erase markers (preferably expo brand)
Second Grade
- 1 Pair of headphones (not earbuds, to last all year) 1 Package of red pencils
- 1 Plastic supply box (to store markers, pencils, crayons)
- 1 Package Black dry erase makers (thin)
- 1 Ruler (Inch & Metric)
- 1 Plastic RED pocket folder (No design WITH prongs) 4 PLASTIC pocket folders (No designs)
- Purple/Blue/Yellow/Green
- 4 Wide ruled notebooks (No designs) Purple/Blue/Yellow/Green
- 3 Boxes of facial tissue
- 1 Box sandwich Zip-Lock bags (BOYS ONLY)
- 1 Box gallon Zip-Lock bags (GIRLS ONLY)
- 1 Supply box
Third Grade
- 1 Pair of headphones (not earbuds, to last all year)
- 1 Supply Box
- 1 Package of pencil top erasers
- 1 White board eraser
- 2 Boxes of facial tissue
- 1 Ruler (Metric & Inch)
- 2 Bottle of hand soap
Fourth Grade
- 1 Pair of headphones (not earbuds, to last all year)
- 1 Supply box
- 1 Red Plastic pocket folder
- Please put
- 1 Box of facial tissue
- your child's
- 1 Ruler (Metric & Inch)
- 1 Package of expo markers
*Please put your child's name on all supplies
Fifth Grade
- 1 Pair of headphones (not earbuds, to last all year)
- 2 Boxes of facial tissue
- 2 Rolls of paper towels
- 1 Bottle of hand soap
- 1 Ruler (Metric & Inch)
- 1 Plastic school supply box
- 2 Boxes of facial tissue
- 1 Package of dry erase markers (Large)
- 4 Wide rule spiral notebooks